Friday, November 4, 2016

Gilmore Girls Recap - Season 1 Episode 9 "Rory's Dance"

When I originally created my list of "essential episodes" Episode 9 "Rory's Dance" did not make the cut.  However, upon re-watching I realized "Rory's Dance" advances a couple of common themes in the series and solidifies Rory and Dean's relationship. Plus the story from this episode flows into Episode 10 "Forgiveness and Stuff", which I knew was going to be included on my list because it's one of my favorites.    

Season 1 Episode 9:  "Rory's Dance" 
Brief synopsis: There's a formal dance at Chilton and Rory decides to go with Dean. At the dance Tristan (a Chilton student who has a thing for Rory) gets into a fight with Dean, which reveals just how much Tristan likes Rory. Meanwhile, Emily and Lorelai share some sweet bonding moments which are later obsolete after a huge fight between the two, caused by Rory coming home late after the dance.  Or ... like, the next morning.  Oops. 

I love all of the Gilmore girls for different reasons.  Re-watching the series as an adult I've identified with Lorelai more than I did when I watched the show back when it aired in the early to mid-2000s.  However, I still see myself as a Rory ... even if she can be painfully naive at times. 

The scene with Lorelai and Rory in the car coming back from Friday night dinner is a sweet moment between mother and daughter. I like how Lorelai (the social and outgoing Gilmore girl) communicates with her daughter Rory (the more shy and reserved Gilmore girl) about going to the dance.   

Tristan has been pretty insufferable so far and the way he treats Rory is really irritating.  Re-watching this series I'm more "team Dean" than I thought I'd be, which I know won't last very long (foreshadowing).  However, between these two, Dean is shining brightly and I'm seriously worried for Paris, who obviously likes Tristan ... she also is not high on my favorite character list at the moment (also foreshadowing), but she definitely deserves better than Tristan.    

DEAN: Rory's mentioned you.
TRISTAN: Oh yeah?
DEAN: Yeah. I wouldn't get quite so excited about it.
TRISTAN: Oh, why, did she say something mean?
DEAN: She said you're a jackass.
TRISTAN: Really?
DEAN: Actually, no, Rory doesn't use words like that. I embellished a little.

Connection between Lorelai and Emily.  So far in the series we have not seen the softness between Emily and Lorelai.  We've only been aware of the strained relationship they have due to Lorelai's pregnancy and her leaving Emily and Richard when she was 16 years old.  We're also starting to get the underlying thread of Emily parenting Rory - her granddaughter - because of the circumstances with Lorelai.  This is an apparent theme throughout the series.    
In this episode, in the process of making Rory's dress Lorlai hurts her back. On the night of the dance Emily stops by to take some pictures of Rory, and she notices Lorelai in pain and insists on staying and taking care of her. This is the first time we see Emily as "mothering" Lorelai, which is a very sweet moment for the two of them.   


Within mere minutes we're back to the contentious relationship between mother and daughter because Rory accidentally stays out late.  Emily starts to have flashbacks of Lorelai at 16 and reprimands Lorelai for Rory's behavior.  The tensions between mother and daughter are so apparent in this episode and not only are the moments of Emily and Lorelai washed away, but we're left with a rift between Lorelai and Rory.   

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